TikTok Launches Guide With Insights on How to Sell More in the 2023 Holiday Season

tiktok holiday marketing playbook

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Has your Marketing team already started planning for the end of year festivities? Calm down, I know, it’s still June. But if Christmas is a time that warms the sales of your business, the time has come to prepare — and TikTok knows it well.

The media application has just released the 2023 Holiday Marketing Playbook, a guide to help brands use TikTok to sell more during the holiday season.

If you want to understand the main insights of this content and use the neighboring network to sell more, come with me!

TikTok and sales

TikTok is a social network that engages the user through short video content. This you already know, but the app has also shown interesting numbers when it comes to generating brand awareness or selling a product.

Small businesses have already discovered this tactic, and take advantage of the ease of reaching many users at once to attract new customers. There is no shortage of product videos with a funny story to capture attention. Influencers advertising and brands taking advantage of trends are also common.

According to the platform, 1 in 2 TikTok users turn to the app for content about festivities and shopping. Also, your users are 1.4x more likely to buy a product they saw in the app. And this advantage can be further exploited in seasonal periods.

How to sell on TikTok this year-end?

The purpose of the material released by TikTok is to help brands create paid campaigns through TikTok for Business. Even if the festivities are a little far off on the calendar, you can already start preparing — and more importantly, preparing your potential customers.

And the sooner this work starts, the more time Marketers will have to generate brand awareness, engage and prepare users for the moment of purchase.

Next, I share the main insights from the material. These ideas can work even if your brand doesn’t have the budget to invest in the platform, but wants to organically achieve positive sales results in this year’s festive season.

Use TikTok’s native language

TikTok users are used to a certain aesthetic standard, created organically by those who use the application over the years. And if your brand wants to gain the public’s trust and attention, just like any other video on the For You tab, it might be a good idea to imitate this model.

Just spend a few minutes on the app to notice. Most of the videos do not have complex edits, use viral audio, show people talking closely and use voice effects.

Summary: use the language of the platform and create content that feels organic.

Drive attention, value and action

Each video can be seen as a funnel: you need to attract the user’s attention, then generate value for them and, only then, make a call to action.

Use the first few seconds to grab attention and the last few seconds to direct them to other content or your website.

Teaching a recipe, giving a gift tip or even travel suggestions are examples of how it is possible to use content to generate value at this time of year. But, of course, connect the content to your brand’s purpose or the products and services it offers.

Summary: focus on attracting attention, adding value and stimulating action with your holiday narrative.

Explore editing and audios

TikTok offers a number of video editing tools, as well as audio options, to create content on the platform.

Your brand can explore effects that are already being used a lot by users, such as beauty and voice filters. It is also possible to explore the most commonly used audio effects — and be recognized by users.


What it was like celebrating holidays in China #thanksgiving #turkey #turkeyconfit #storytime Growing up, my family’s thanksgiving tradition was the same each year. In the morning we would hike up Mount Wachusett (a local ski mountain), then sled down. The best part was that going into the hike, we never knew if it was cold enough that year for there to be man-made snow on the ground yet. Some years we’d be flying down the mountain on snow, sometimes ice, and often straight up mud. It was a great pre-turkey activity, but more importantly a great way to spend time together as a family. When I moved to Asia from 2014-2019, this time together was lost. Chinese and American holidays run on completely different schedules. Between that and visa issues, it made travel difficult to coordinate. As such, I had to learn to celebrate holidays away from home. It took several years but eventually became an amazing time of year, though I have to say I’m ecstatic to me home and able to spend this time of year with my family. Yesterday we had a really low key Thanksgiving. I smoked a Turkey, my sister @Sophia Rose made sides, and we just hung out and watched football. I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving and is as excited for prime rib and ham season as I am!

♬ Ninja Hardcore Freestyle Rap Beat – Aesuno

Resist the temptation to create overproduced videos. Those who use TikTok are used to consuming videos for the story or value they generate, not for the editing.

Summary: stimulate your audience and grab their attention with the help of effects and audio.

Take advantage of platform trends

To better connect with their audience, brands can take advantage of trends circulating across the platform. It is possible to recognize a trend by the hashtag, and some accumulate billions of interactions.

This is the case of the hashtag #unboxing, used to show a purchase being opened by the user, who shares their reaction and the details of the product. The hashtag #giftIdeas is another example often used by brands, as the objective is to share gift ideas.


can’t wait to plan out 2023 on this ipad mini 🥲✍🏽💫🖥️ #whatigotforchristmas #unboxingvideo #unboxingasmr #ipadmini unboxing asmr, what I got for Christmas, ipad mini 6, ipad planner

♬ Snowman Snowed In & Slowed Down – Sia

Summary: leverage holiday trends to connect with new buyer communities.

The holiday season is usually promising for many brands, especially in e-commerce. Therefore, it is crucial to prepare in advance and take advantage of tactics such as content creation and Influencer Marketing to attract, engage and generate more sales.

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