8 Tips On How To Sell Complex Products

8 Tips On How To Sell Complex Products

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Let’s face it, not all products are straightforward. In fact, some are downright complex and highly specific to a certain niche, which makes it harder for many sales teams to promote and close deals.

While it might seem like this would make it nearly impossible to hit specific targets, the truth is that anything is marketable, if you know the right way to approach the process.

To give you a better idea of how to tailor your sales calls and train your reps, we’ve put together this guide with details on top ways to improve your B2B sales.

Here are eight tips on how to sell complex products!

    1. Showcase Your Value

    You already know that sales doesn’t mean just showing up and automatically expecting leads to believe that your product is the best thing on the market.

    In fact, the truth is usually the exact opposite. They want you to explain why they should buy from you instead of a competitor.

    That said, if you’re going to sell complex products, one of the most important aspects of your sales pitch needs to be value.

    Always make it apparent that what they’re spending money on is worth every dime, whether that’s a feature that solves a distinct problem or a general scenario where your product is the biggest bang for their buck.

    By doing this, you’ll make it very hard for them to say no.

    2. Use Data and Testimonials

    Data and testimonials are more than just fluff content. They help sell your product in a way that proves your offering is the best possible solution.

    That means you’ll want to include it in every sales pitch and piece of marketing material you hand out.

    However, don’t just use the ones that say your product is great and doesn’t really back up the claim. Make sure you’re really projecting testimonials that explain how or why a client found value in your product.

    Then use any available data to show why, such as an increase in sales, better productivity, etc. If possible, create case studies to bring all of this meaty information together.

    3. Understand Decision Layers

    Another important aspect of learning how to sell complex products is understanding decision layers.

    What this means is that the person you’re pitching to might not be the one who ultimately uses your product and adjusting your marketing message to the person you’re talking to at the moment.

    For example, your product might be something that a tech team uses on a daily basis. But the person writing the checks and signing the contracts is a vice president with no knowledge of how what you’re selling is useful to their team.

    In this case, you would want to have marketing materials geared to both the end-user and the decision-maker.

    4. Know Your Target Market’s Needs

    It might sound obvious, but it is highly important to know the needs of your target market. And we aren’t just talking about the areas where your product offering solves these issues.

    We mean everything they are dealing with and common concerns associated with their industry.

    The more intricate you can get in understanding what they’re going through at any given time, the better you’ll know when to try to pitch to them.

    Need an example?

    Say your company makes machinery for a manufacturing company that reaches its peak production in October.

    During that time, their team is too busy to think of making a big switch. By knowing this, you can adjust to arrange a sales meeting months before or after their levels slow down.

    5. Offer Product Education Resources

    Product education is a great way to stand above the crowd when working to sell complex products.

    Simply put, the more information you can provide, the better chance the company is willing to buy from you.

    Make sure your website has plenty of brochure downloads, tutorial videos, and whatever other types of content necessary to know how to work your product more effectively. The more descriptive you can be, the better. It will not be superfluous to consult with an essay writer specialist for competent content writing.

    6. Position Yourself Above the Competition

    When you’re working with a complex product, there’s a good chance your leads are going to bring up the competition.

    In case that happens, be prepared to position yourself above the competition. What this means is being able to accurately and eloquently convey the top reasons why you’re better than they are and how your product is a better fit in the long run.

    To accomplish this, however, you need to know more about who you’re competing against and what makes them a threat in your niche.

    Take the time to learn as much as you can about their comparable product offerings or whether there is even any close to what your business sells.

    The more you know about them, the easier it will be to shut down comparisons by your target clientele.

    7. Use Research to Your Advantage

    A little bit of knowledge goes a long way. Take the time to learn about the customer and why they might need your product.

    Find out other details, like how long they’ve been in business and their brand story, too.

    If you know this information, you can bring it up naturally in the meeting. In the end, this makes it seem like you really do care about working with them and that they’re not just another random customer.

    8. Always Focus On Having the Best Solution

    Sometimes the sales cycle goes off the rails and you have to work a little harder to get things back on track. In that instance, always focus on having the best solution for the customer.

    What does this mean? It means knowing exactly what the most ideal option is for their biggest challenge or concern, even if that doesn’t mean it is your product.

    In some cases, your competitor might have something with more features to meet their needs. By being honest about this, you can build trust in the deal with your potential customer and might even ultimately be able to close the deal anyway.

    The more complex your product, the harder it can be to sell. The good news is that the eight tips we’ve included here are all designed to help you meet challenges as they arise and really build a good rapport with potential customers.

    Are you looking for additional ideas on how to grow your business? Check out our Jam Session with Aaron Ross and Diego Gomes to get some tips to help you succeed!


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