6 of the Best Creative Content Marketing Examples for 2022

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We know that content marketing is all about creativity. It consists of meeting the needs of prospects in a surprising and different way, by creating unforgettable pieces. That’s why it’s so important to know how we can be creative to boost results, which means increasing conversions and revenue.

A good way to improve your production of creative content is by getting inspiration from emerging trends. Fortunately, there are a lot of creative content marketing examples out there, and we are going to help you by summarizing six of the best ones.

Why is adapting content so important?

As the world changes, our content marketing needs to change as well. After all, this type of marketing is about talking to people based on their wants and needs. If you look around, especially on social media, you will realize that content is tending to be more creative, engaging experiences. This is what brands need to provide.

We live in a world where content is everywhere, with pieces addressing the same topics in the very same way — we call this “content overload.” Many brands are fighting for viewers’ attention and trying to impress them whenever they land on a website.

However, if you focus on engaging experiences, you will easily stand out from the crowd and differentiate your content and brand. If everyone is trying the same strategies, the most original ones will certainly generate more leads and revenue.

So, that’s essentially why we need to change our content strategy. It means adapting the static material you already have into dynamic and unique pieces that will keep your audience connected and interested.

Creativity will be very helpful in the whole process. Even if you already have a creative content strategy, it might be necessary to go further and test new formats, such as infographics and videos, in addition to the widely used blog posts.

What are the most innovative examples?

Now, let’s talk about examples of creative content marketing that will be a great deal in 2022.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI has been playing a key role in the world’s latest transformation. Computers now are able to understand what people say using natural language processing. Also, they can understand what users type and generate proper responses to it. That can be used to create conversational experiences that engage prospects and help them with specific problems and pain points.

But there’s more: you can target campaigns and pieces to specific audiences. AI also allows your team to know more about your prospects by studying data related to them. This way, you can increase your creativity and choose what kind of approach better meets customers’ preferences.

2. Videos

Video continues to be huge. It’s a format that most people like because it allows them to learn about something in a quick, visually interesting way. By blending sound and vision, you can create outstanding experiences that help prospects understand their problems while having fun.

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One main advantage of videos is that they allow users to watch them while doing something else. You don’t need to be fully committed as you would be when reading an article, for instance. That’s why videos are a very popular and shareable format.

3. Storytelling

We’ve been telling each other stories ever since we first learned to communicate. But how do you use that traditional method to boost a marketing strategy? By adding it to content marketing! You can talk about characters with real problems and scenarios in a structured way, with beginning, middle, and end. By doing that, you get your audience to empathize with those characters and connect with your brand.

4. Influencer Marketing

Another trend that is becoming even more relevant is influencer marketing, where brands hire famous personalities or professionals to represent their values and expose their products or services. This opens up a whole new world of opportunities to create new kinds of content: from using social media with its quick and conversational pieces to producing more elaborate videos.

Businesses can rely on famous people to do part of their job. The marketing strategy, then, becomes something more attractive because people tend to trust and believe each other rather than companies trying to sell something.

5. Voice Search

We’re in the era of AI-based virtual assistants, in which voice search plays a key role. After all, people tend not to use their keyboards that much as the voice technology keeps improving. Voice search forces brands to invest in a whole new set of strategies for their content. Of course, this new resource creates new definitions of SEO as well.

Now, you have to target the position zero of Google’s page results, which are the so-called featured snippets. Then your team needs to create more focused content about specific keywords, like an FAQ page, with direct answers to common questions. That increases your chance of being found as a result of a voice search.

6. Interactive Content

Another trend is interactive content, which gets your audience actively participating.

You can use calculators that show users how much money they may save by using your product or service, or an interactive eBook, that allows people to interact directly with the content and make choices about what they want to read. 

You can also try polls and quizzes. They consist of a series of questions that prospective customers can provide answers to, which helps you gather insights. Another example of an interactive piece is the infographic, in which your team can show key stats, factoids, and tell a story in a visually attractive way.

As you can see, there are a lot of opportunities for brands that want to be creative these days. Those tools and creative content marketing examples help you to cut through the noise of content overload. Also, they help you get your content to a higher level—increasing conversions, educating, and engaging prospects with dynamic stories.

Need some ideas? Check out this gallery of infographics to find inspiration.


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