SEO Archives - Rock Content Content Marketing Fri, 15 Mar 2024 17:49:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SEO Archives - Rock Content 32 32 How to Create Content That Will Rank in 2024 Thu, 14 Mar 2024 19:22:36 +0000 User behavior evolves every day. In a post-pandemic and AI-boom society, this is more apparent than ever. People are changing the way they create and consume content online, the way they search, and the way they interact with each other and with brands. Naturally, the entire internet infrastructure (Search Engines, social media, news websites, etc.) […]

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User behavior evolves every day. In a post-pandemic and AI-boom society, this is more apparent than ever.

People are changing the way they create and consume content online, the way they search, and the way they interact with each other and with brands.

Naturally, the entire internet infrastructure (Search Engines, social media, news websites, etc.) has been adapting to meet this new behavior.

Google is a good example. 

Last year, we saw a clear path from the search engine giant toward prioritizing quality content, and more recently, this month we witnessed one of the largest and most impactful Core Updates that completely deindexed low-quality sites.

Alongside this, the new Search Generative Experience promises to completely change the way we interact with the SERP today.

Indeed, Google is adapting. And quickly. 

And for us, brand owners, marketing, and SEO professionals, it’s impossible not to ask the question: how do we create content that will rank in 2024?

Here at Rock Content, we’ve been closely monitoring every change for some time now – from the rise of new AI tools to Google updates and user behavior.

After several tests and after piloting new models in the way we produce content (for us and our clients), I’ve gathered key insights based on recent studies, our experience, and real data, to help you tailor your content for the future of SEO. Follow along with me.

Search Generative Experience: What Does the Future of the SERP Look Like?

Before we delve into content creation strategies for 2024, it’s crucial to understand the evolving landscape of search engines. I highly recommend reading our dedicated article on the Search Generative Experience (SGE) to gain a deeper insight into this concept. 

Here, I’ll briefly explain how Google’s SERP will evolve in the near future, because of the influence of AI, to help you better understand the content tactics that I’ll share later.

Read also: Search Generative Experience: What Is It & How Does It Impact SEO

As I said, Google’s algorithm is changing. And we need to pay attention to its evolution to continue generating organic traffic.

How Does The Google SERP Work Today?

Today, Google works with search intent according to the searched keyword. The algorithm seeks to present web results that will best answer the user’s question. When the answer is very objective, it presents a preview of the page on the SERP, through the snippet features.

Rock Content’s blog in the “zero” position of SERP for the keyword “Interactive Content”, included in the snippet features

Now, if the question is complex, Google tries to present the closest results related to the topic. Sometimes, if there is nothing so specific that has already been published by third parties, it is not able to help.

When we ask very specific questions, Google shows the results that better fit our search intent, but rarely does it find the exact answer we need. In the previous example, Google has left behind the “200 dollars” part of my search, and shows head-tail articles instead of providing the specific answer I requested.

The algorithm, in a way, forces people to simplify their questions. It prioritizes its results pages trying to direct the user to the best answer, considering mainly the following attributes:

  • Well-organized information;
  • Objective questions and answers;
  • Expertise and authority;
  • Interactivity within the pages;
  • Strategic linking;
  • Multimedia materials;
  • Structured data;
  • Usability.

How Will Google SERP Work with AI (Search Generative Experience)?

The example above is still being tested, but Google showcased it here as a preview of what’s to come.

Google SGE is an AI-powered feature added to the Google Search interface that everyone already knows and loves. It leverages the power of AI technology to enhance search results, offer handy SERP overviews, and streamline the process of browsing the web.

As you can see, Google continues to deliver simple answers as it always did, but now it is less dependent on the availability of an external page that responds to that search intent. Google itself presents an answer through AI.

In other words, Google is now able to answer unique and specific questions, like the one in the previous example.

Does it mean that SEO is dead?

Raise your hand if you’ve heard something like that this year (people always try to kill SEO every once in a while).

No, quite the opposite. SEO is more important than ever, and it’s stepping up its game.

You see, Google is still a primary search engine. We still don’t know how Google will give credit to content that generates answers through AI-driven searches. We need to wait and see.

Read also: SEO in the Age of AI Search

However, it’s important to remember that even as the Search Generative Experience integrates into our search habits, our familiar traditional SERP will still be present, positioned just beneath the AI-generated response. 

But we also need to remember that, even when the Search Generative Experience becomes part of our search routine, we’ll still have, just below the AI-generated answer, our well-known traditional SERP, with fewer result options on the first page and prioritizing the same structure and content quality.

Now, transitioning to this topic…

Google March 2024 Core Update and The Move Towards Content Quality

Google has emphasized the importance of high-quality, helpful, reliable, and people-first content for some time now. We saw numerous Core Updates last year, all pointed to this focus.

In March 2024, this became clear: the latest Core Update aims to reduce low-quality, unoriginal content in search results by 40%. We have a comprehensive article explaining all the details about this Core Update, which I highly recommend you read here.

But the bottom line is: You can’t stick with the same content and SEO strategies and expect similar growth.

We’re facing new ways of interacting and distributing content, with the same golden rule. As stated by Google Search Liaison on X:

“Google’s key advice is to focus on doing things for your readers that are helpful. For example, if it makes sense for your readers to see a byline for an article (and it might!), do it for them. Don’t do it because you’ve heard having a byline ranks you better in Google (it doesn’t). Put your readers and audience first. Be helpful to them. If you do this, if you’re doing things for them, you are more likely to align with completely different signals we use to reward content.”

Where does AI-generated content fit into this equation?

Perhaps you may have heard that Google is penalizing AI-generated content. Well, I need to clarify that the search platform hasn’t made any direct statements regarding penalizing content created by Artificial Intelligence.

However, when we understand that quality content is what Google is prioritizing now, I invite you to reflect.

In 2024, the extensive adoption of Artificial Intelligence has made content creation more accessible than before. However, this has also increased the risk of producing, disseminating, and consuming subpar, superficial, inaccurate, and mediocre content.

When we examine most of the sites that were deindexed after Google’s update, what we find is a pattern of mass-produced AI-generated content with very little (or none at all) human editing, resulting in generic, shallow, outdated content that violates Google’s spam guidelines.

This means that brands will need to create even better content, as the bar for quality and user expectations only continues to rise. High-quality content becomes vital to differentiate oneself and achieve results.

The value and potential for results of mediocre content will plummet (blue line), while the value and potential for results of high-quality content will increase (orange line). (Via LinkedIn)

In a world where AI decreases the effectiveness of SEO, good content is worth its weight in gold.

So… What Is The Future of SEO? And How Can We Be Prepared?

Now that we understand where Google is heading, it’s time to get practical: how do we adapt our content strategy to ensure it meets the expectations of the future SEO guidelines?

We can divide the best SEO planning practices into two fronts:

  • Strategy for choosing topics;
  • Essential elements of on-page optimization.

Let’s explore each of these separately.

Strategy for Choosing Topics

The main premise should be to produce content focused on user experience, transmitting experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-E-A-T). This means producing content with new information and approaches, which AI tools cannot produce, to gain a competitive edge.

In practice, the focus should be on topics that:

  • Demand in-depth analysis;
  • Help the user make individual decisions based on their context;
  • Transmit human expertise and a higher level of specialization;
  • Explore information related to recent contexts and events, prioritizing originality.

Case Study: Trending Keyword

As I mentioned, everything I’m presenting in this article is based on research and facts, and most importantly, on our own experience. We’ve run a series of tests and updates to our own strategy, as well as that of our clients, to ensure our numbers continue to grow in a reality where many sites are losing traffic.

Here are the components integrated into the blog posts utilized for testing:

  • An in-depth analysis;
  • Expert insights;
  • Originality;
  • And, most importantly, a context that is both timely and trending

In July 2023, we capitalized on the buzz surrounding the Barbie movie to create an article about the “Marketing of the Barbie Movie” — which quickly became the most accessed article of the month, bringing a peak in traffic beyond the evergreen articles.

This article was written by one of our Content Specialists, who ingeniously brought her expertise not only as a Marketing professional but as a fan of “Barbieland” to create a unique, highly timely article, relevant to our audience, with updated data, that rode on a trending keyword of the moment.

Essential Elements of On-Page Optimization

In addition to the strategy adopted in choosing topics to explore, some elements need to be prioritized to guarantee an advantage over the competition.

Features that should be prioritized during content production include:

  • Incorporating expert quotes with proper attribution hyperlinks to their professional networks;
  • Clearly identifying authors and their qualifications/experience;
  • Integrating multimedia elements such as videos, infographics, embedded materials, etc, aiming to provide complementary information and reinforce the content search intent;
  • Utilizing data and insights from reputable research institutions and relevant bodies in the field;
  • Using interactive content pieces embedded such as mini quizzes and calculators to provide a personalized experience and help to make decisions individually.

How Does It Look in Practical Terms?

Let’s take, as a practical example, how some blog post titles should follow the tactics we discussed here:

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Case Study: Expert-Driven Drives Organic Traffic Growth

Another case study that supports our hypothesis, this time from our clients (whose names we’ll keep confidential), demonstrates how using expert-driven content can generate traffic growth. Take a look at the graphic below:

Expert-driven content is a form of content crafted through interviews with subject matter experts (SMEs), offering firsthand knowledge and perspective on a particular topic. This content type integrates direct quotes and insights from the expert, enriching the narrative and providing original perspectives that engage the audience with authoritative and insightful analysis.

As you can see, blogs that have consistently implemented expert-driven content from the outset demonstrate a clear pattern of constant growth.

In contrast, those that have gradually introduced expert-driven content show signs of stagnation with occasional fluctuations. Moreover, blogs adhering to traditional SEO strategies without adapting to content specialization are facing a decline in traffic.

These insights underscore the importance of expert-driven content in staying competitive and achieving sustainable growth in the current SEO climate.

The table below also showcases improvements achieved in just three months by one of our clients (which, again, we’ll keep the name confidential), including a 398% increase in CTR (Click-Through Rate) and a 67% rise in SERP (Search Engine Results Page) positioning.

It’s important to clarify that we have clients from various sectors. To ensure we delivered expert-driven content that reflected the expected quality, we relied on our pool of 15,000 talented writers within WriterAccess, our talent marketplace.

We also adopted an interview process with specialists to ensure current and relevant quotes. The results speak for themselves.

Here is a significant note:

In this article, I’ve emphasized actions necessary to enhance your content strategy and secure a competitive edge in this new era of SEO changes.

In addition to the tips provided here, good SEO practices remain crucial, so remember to craft a solid content plan, run keyword research, implement link-building strategies, optimize on-page and off-page elements, etc.

f you require assistance with the essentials, , you can explore our Complete SEO Checklist provided here.

Wrapping up

As you can see, producing personalized, humanized, and high-quality content is essential to attract the user’s attention and also succeed in the future of search engines. So, the focus of your SEO content production should be on these elements in 2024.

If I can give you a final hint, I recommend you explore WriterAccess and discover how our talent creators can assist you in creating content that not only endures but also thrives in the future of SEO.  You can sign up here for a 14-day free trial.

Is your company ready for the future?

Copywriters on-demand

The post How to Create Content That Will Rank in 2024 appeared first on Rock Content.

Spice Up Your Brand: Adding Flavor with E-E-A-T in 2024 Sat, 09 Mar 2024 15:41:36 +0000 In the E-E-A-T landscape, making your brand stand out in your industry is essential. When people think of your industry, you want them to think of your company. But how do you accomplish that in a world where most businesses have nearly 30 competitors? There is an infinite amount of branding advice online. Be unique, be consistent, and create a […]

The post Spice Up Your Brand: Adding Flavor with E-E-A-T in 2024 appeared first on Rock Content.

In the E-E-A-T landscape, making your brand stand out in your industry is essential. When people think of your industry, you want them to think of your company. But how do you accomplish that in a world where most businesses have nearly 30 competitors?

There is an infinite amount of branding advice online. Be unique, be consistent, and create a memorable identity. Get to know your competition, create a platform, and use social branding.

In the end, though, successful branding boils down to one simple piece of instruction. Get to know E-E-A-T guidelines and follow them.

    Savoring the Basics: Understanding E-E-A-T for Your Brand

    E-E-A-T stands for experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. Google uses this catchphrase to determine search rankings.

    Customers use it too. Over four out of five consumers say they need to trust a brand before buying its products. A whopping 86 percent of shoppers say authenticity is vital when making a purchasing decision.

    To use E-E-A-T in your branding, you need to show consumers that you have experience and expertise in your field. You need to show you’re an authority in your industry. Most importantly, you have to get people to trust you.

    This looks a bit different for each brand and industry. The way another company successfully implements E-E-A-T in branding won’t necessarily satisfy your exact needs. Even so, there is a “basic recipe” that all businesses can follow to meet E-E-A-T criteria.

    A Few Dashes of Experience & Expertise: Enhancing Your Brand’s Authority

    If you want people to consider you an expert, you have to prove your experience and expertise.

    First, consider the needs of your audience. Are they looking for someone who can offer the best merchandise, lowest prices, or most eco-friendly products? Your brand name, colors, logo, and slogan should show that you’re the company of choice for your audience.

    Your content style should also meet your audience’s needs. Provide in-depth, detailed articles and blog posts if you’re in a technical field. Offer casual, easy-to-follow advice if that is what’s in line with your company’s products or services.

    Share personal firsthand experiences related to your industry. A daycare owner, for instance, can talk about personal experiences with teaching young children. A travel agent may want to tell stories about places that he or she has personally visited.

    The Secret Ingredient: Building Trustworthiness in 2024

    Building trust and being authoritative go hand in hand.

    Do you want people to trust you? Then you have to act like an authority in your field.

    You can accomplish this by always being honest with your audience. Research any claims you make, and link to authoritative sources that back them up. If you don’t know the answer to something, don’t pretend you do.

    You also build trust by creating personal connections. Make it easy for consumers to find your address, email address, and phone number. Offer friendly, professional customer service to anyone who gets in touch with your company.

    Your customers can also help you build trust. Encourage people to interact with your brand on social media. Post positive customer reviews in a prominent location on your site.

    Taste Test: Evaluating Your Brand’s E-E-A-T Impact

    How do you evaluate the impact E-E-A-T has on your brand?

    First, bear in mind that you need to be patient. It takes time for a cake to bake or a stew to boil. In the same way, it will take time to see the full impact of E-E-A-T on your brand.

    Second, use tools that help you measure consumer experiences with your brand.

    Google Analytics offers an in-depth look at your website’s stats. You can check the bounce rate and number of visits to each page on your site. You can see where visitors are coming from and what they view before making a purchase.

    Social listening tools like BuzzSumo and Sprout Social help you keep track of online brand mentions. Is the number of people talking about you increasing or decreasing? Are people enthusiastic, neutral, or negative about your brand?

    You can also ask your customers for input. A short survey with a freebie at the end will encourage people to take the time to answer. You can collect feedback from in-person customers as well as users of your site and social media pages.

    Take time to read social media and blog comments. If more than one person mentions the same issue, take it seriously. Make changes based on consumer suggestions in order to offer improved service.

    Future Flavors: Staying Ahead with E-E-A-T Branding Trends

    E-E-A-T will likely be around for the foreseeable future. Even so, industry trends and future events will impact how consumers interact with brands. What engendered trust years ago may not do so in the future.

    Stay abreast of industry developments and trends. Keep in touch with consumers to see what they need and want. You need to stay at the cutting edge of your industry to remain an authority in your field.

    Your core branding should remain the same. Don’t change your logo, colors, or tone of voice unless absolutely necessary. However, the way in which you communicate your values may change over time.

    WriterAccess can help you create the winning content you need to build your brand. Our platform has over 10,000 vetted, experienced writers. All of the content is unique. It is written and researched by humans to ensure accuracy.

    Do you need to tell your story? Our team can create a compelling narrative that will help people get to know and trust you.

    Do you need detailed, thoroughly written content? We have skilled researchers who can create compelling case studies, white papers, and more.

    Try out our 14-day free trial period to find out what WriterAccess can do for your business. We look forward to meeting or even exceeding your expectations.

    The post Spice Up Your Brand: Adding Flavor with E-E-A-T in 2024 appeared first on Rock Content.

    Google March 2024 Core Update: Low-Quality Sites Being Deindexed Fri, 08 Mar 2024 14:07:04 +0000 The March 2024 Google Core Update is turning the SEO landscape upside down. Uncover the details of Google's crackdown on spam and the new content rules. The SEO game is evolving – stay in the loop!

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    Google’s March 2024 core update is significantly impacting the SEO industry. This update specifically aims to improve search quality by targeting and removing low-quality and spammy content from its index.

    This isn’t the first move we’ve seen from Google toward prioritizing quality content, but certainly, it is being described as one of the largest and most impactful updates.

    Google’s commitment to providing users with the most relevant and valuable search results continues with the March 2024 core update. This update expects to reduce low-quality, unoriginal content in search results by 40%.

    Several sites have already been affected and completely deindexed in the past weeks. However, there’s no need to panic. Let’s explore the details of this update, what Google expects from your content going forward, and how you can adapt to these changes effectively. 

    Google UX Algorithms & Updates

    Understanding Google’s March 2024 Core Update

    Google’s latest core update, announced in March 2024, represents a significant shift in how the search engine giant evaluates and ranks websites. Let’s break it down, gathering insights straight from the source:

    Improved Quality Ranking

    Google is giving its core ranking systems a boost through algorithmic improvements. The goal? Prioritize the surfacing of the most helpful and relevant information while minimizing unoriginal content in search results. This includes refining ranking systems to identify unhelpful web pages. These are pages with poor user experience or content seemingly created for search engines, not human audiences.

    Elizabeth Tucker, Director of Product at Google Search, shares: “This update is more than just algorithm tweaks. It’s a strategic move to reshape the narrative around Google’s search quality. We want to emphasize that AI isn’t the enemy; our focus is on ensuring valuable, relevant content rises to the top.”

    New Spam Policies

    To combat the rise of spammy, low-quality content, Google is introducing new and improved spam policies. These policies aim to keep the lowest-quality content out of search results. The spotlight is on three key areas:

    • Expired Domain Abuse: This targets the manipulation of search rankings by purchasing expired domains and repurposing them for hosting low-quality content.
    • Scaled Content Abuse: Google aims to curb the creation of numerous pages primarily for manipulating search rankings, resulting in large amounts of unoriginal and low-value content.
    • Site Reputation Abuse: This policy targets the publication of third-party pages with minimal oversight or involvement from the host site to manipulate search rankings.

    Reduction of Low-Quality, Unoriginal Results

    Building on initiatives from 2022, Google is fine-tuning its ranking systems to reduce unhelpful, unoriginal content. The aim? Identify pages that may seem unhelpful or provide a poor user experience. Also, look for pages created just to match specific search queries. 

    As we mentioned earlier, the objective is to significantly reduce low-quality, unoriginal content in search results by an estimated 40%.

    Faster Penalties and Inconsistent Communication

    A standout feature of this update is the rapid implementation of “manual actions”. 

    When Google detects a website that fails to adhere to its guidelines, it may impose a “manual action,” resulting in the site’s complete removal from its search results, also known as “deindexation”.

    Starting March 5th, there was a noticeable increase in the number of these notifications appearing in the Google Search Console Manual Action dashboard for various sites. The implication of such manual actions is typically the total exclusion of the affected sites from Google’s search results.

    Social media reports indicate instances where sites were completely deindexed, and penalties affecting all pages were applied. 

    However, there’s inconsistency in communication, with some businesses receiving email notifications, while others spot the manual action in their Google Search Console.

    Adding to the complexity of this update, it appears that Google’s approach extends beyond mere penalties to the complete removal of certain websites from its search results. This action seems particularly targeted at sites that predominantly utilize AI-generated content.

    Influential figures within the digital marketing sphere have shared stark examples of well-known sites disappearing from Google’s index virtually overnight. 

    The severity of this measure highlights the critical importance of compliance with Google’s guidelines and the potential perils of relying too heavily on artificial intelligence for content generation.

    The AI Discussion on High-Quality Content

    It’s important to mention that Google hasn’t made any statement regarding its approach to AI-generated content in search results, but the rule is clear: priority goes to high-quality, helpful, reliable, people-first content.

    Barry Schwartz adds, “The specificity of this update is noteworthy. Google is not just penalizing; they’re clearly defining their targets. Scaled content abuse, expired domain abuse, and site reputation abuse are in the spotlight. It’s a call for sites to step up their game.”

    Google’s algorithm can discern original, high-quality content that demonstrates expertise, experiences, authority, and trustworthiness (E-E-A-T). 

    And this is where the March 2024 Core Update intersects with the discussion of AI-generated content.

    When we analyze most of the sites that were deindexed in the past week after Google’s update, what we find is a pattern of mass-produced AI-generated content with very little (or none at all) human editing, resulting in generic, shallow, outdated content that violates Google’s spam guidelines, now more than ever.

    As Matt G. Southern, Senior News Writer from Search Engine Journal, states: “A decade ago, there were concerns about the rise in mass-produced human-generated content. Rather than banning all human-generated content, Google improved its systems to reward quality content.

    Now, Google says it will continue to take a responsible approach toward AI-generated content while maintaining a high bar for information quality and helpfulness in search results.”

    Matt’s argument is reinforced by Rock Content’s VP of Marketing, Giuseppe Caltabiano: “This development serves as a critical reminder for content creators and SEO professionals to focus on producing genuinely valuable content that meets the needs of their audience, rather than resorting to automated solutions that compromise quality for the sake of efficiency.”

    Google’s Strategy: Addressing Spam without AI Hostility

    Let’s set the record straight – Google is not waging a war against AI. The primary objective is to combat content lacking originality and relevance. 

    In fact, the update is a targeted effort to eradicate weak, repetitive content, irrespective of whether it’s crafted by AI or other methods.

    It’s a call for real content, not a total dismissal of Artificial Intelligence.

    Diving deeper into Google’s rationale, it’s not about undermining the potential of AI-driven content but rather ensuring that every piece adds genuine value. The focus lies on removing mediocrity, whether it emerges from automated processes or traditional content creation methods.

    Understanding Google’s viewpoint requires acknowledging that AI is a tool, not an adversary. Google’s pursuit is to reward meaningful, engaging content that resonates with users. The intricate dance between algorithms and human-centric content creation is at the heart of Google’s vision for a more enriching online experience.

    Celebrating the Human Element

    So, as the SEO realm adapts to the winds of change, the message is clear – AI isn’t the enemy; the battle is against mediocrity. Both AI-driven and conventional websites are urged to embrace this shift, prioritizing the substance of their content to navigate through Google’s updates successfully.

    At the heart of this narrative is a celebration of the human experience in content creation

    Beth Ashton from The Independent rightly points out, “It’s crucial to find that balance. Google’s push against spam is valid, but there’s a responsibility to collaborate with content creators for a future that stands the test of time. Quick penalties are part of the equation, but equal attention should be given to rewarding quality content.”

    In refining algorithms, the goal is not to discard technology but to integrate it with human insight, enriching the content with depth rather than superficiality.

    Rock Content’s Insights on Content and Authority Post-Update

    As a pioneer in digital content solutions, Rock Content remains at the forefront of guiding clients through these evolving landscapes.

    For some time now, we’ve been closely monitoring every change – from the emergence of new AI tools to Google updates and user behavior. We’ve conducted numerous tests and delved into what defines quality content, how to create it properly, and, most importantly, ensure sustainable growth for our clients.

    Our insights into content production and authority building post-update are designed to empower businesses to create high-quality content that not only complies with Google’s guidelines but also secures top rankings. 

    Here we’ll share key findings from our research and practical tips to help you stay ahead in the dynamic digital world. 

    Expert-Driven Content Plays a Pivotal Role in Driving Organic Traffic Growth

    This comparative graph shows the positive impact of expert-driven content on organic traffic growth (for reasons of confidentiality, the client’s names in this study were withheld):

    Expert-driven content is a form of content crafted through interviews with subject matter experts (SMEs), offering firsthand knowledge and perspective on a particular topic. This content type integrates direct quotes and insights from the expert, enriching the narrative and it is designed to offer original perspectives that perform well by engaging the audience with its authoritative and insightful analysis.

    By examining data from multiple clients, we can observe distinct trends: blogs that have consistently implemented expert-driven content from the outset demonstrate a clear pattern of constant growth. 

    In contrast, those that have gradually introduced expert-driven content show signs of stagnation with occasional fluctuations. Moreover, blogs adhering to traditional SEO strategies without adapting to content specialization are facing a decline in traffic. 

    These insights underscore the importance of expert-driven content in staying competitive and achieving sustainable growth in the current SEO climate.

    Rock Content’s suggested SEO strategy stands as a testament to rigorous planning and continuous refinement, particularly in response to Google’s algorithm updates. 

    The table above showcases the dramatic improvements achieved in just three months by one of our customers, including a 398% increase in CTR (Click-Through Rate) and a 67% rise in SERP (Search Engine Results Page) positioning. 

    The graph further illustrates the success of this approach, with a steady ascent in organic traffic sessions. These results not only emphasize the power of expert-driven content but also reinforce our commitment to improving SEO strategies in alignment with Google’s updates.

    Expertise, Personal Touch, and Human-Centric Search Experience

    In Q2/23, we noticed Google’s algorithm updates emphasizing experiences and expertise, highlighting a move toward a more human-centric search experience. This development contrasts with the rise of AI-generated content, emphasizing the continued importance of human expertise for complex queries and deep analysis. 

    Our hypotheses suggest that the unique value of expert insight and real-time adaptability remain decisive factors.

    To rise above the digital noise, content must be crafted with a personal touch, and be anchored by credible, transparent sources. These are the pillars that give content its edge in a crowded marketplace.

    Using this format we achieved results beyond expectations in a scenario in which everyone was losing traffic.

    The Power of Synergy: AI and Human Editors Unite

    Let’s be clear – AI for content creation is here to stay. Why not combine the strengths of AI with human insights and expertise? Meet our team at WriterAccess, a platform of content creators and AI experts ready to elevate your content.

    Imagine this – a platform designed to lift your content, ensuring it meets Google’s latest standards and guidelines. A guard against spammy content and your key to using AI’s potential without getting penalized.

    Wrapping Up

    Let’s redefine our approach to Google’s updates; they’re not obstacles but opportunities, guiding content creation toward quality and relevance. It’s a call to embrace collaboration, recognizing that the fusion of AI and human expertise propels us into a new era of content creation. 

    Instead of avoiding this transformation, let’s embrace it. Explore WriterAccess and discover how our network of over 15,000 content creators can assist you in crafting content that not only endures but also thrives in the ever-changing SEO field.

    Sign up now for a 14-day free trial and start your journey to content excellence today!

    The post Google March 2024 Core Update: Low-Quality Sites Being Deindexed appeared first on Rock Content.

    E-E-A-T SEO: The Secret Sauce to Skyrocketing Your Rankings Fri, 08 Mar 2024 13:48:00 +0000 Google has more than 200 ranking factors. Trying to remember each one is enough to make anyone’s head spin.   Thankfully, you don’t have to memorize each of these factors to do well on Google. You just have to remember the acronym E-E-A-T. Unpacking E-E-A-T SEO: What It Is And Why It Matters You’ve likely already […]

    The post E-E-A-T SEO: The Secret Sauce to Skyrocketing Your Rankings appeared first on Rock Content.

    Google has more than 200 ranking factors. Trying to remember each one is enough to make anyone’s head spin.  

    Thankfully, you don’t have to memorize each of these factors to do well on Google. You just have to remember the acronym E-E-A-T.

    Unpacking E-E-A-T SEO: What It Is And Why It Matters

    You’ve likely already heard of the SEO term E-A-T. It’s been around for some time and stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

    In 2022, Google added another E to the acronym. It stands for Experience. E-E-A-T, therefore, stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. 

    Why does it matter? When explaining E-E-A-T, Google stated that measuring content against this standard helps writers “conceptually align with the different signals used to rank content”.

    Put simply, E-E-A-T is the standard you need to measure your writing against. A good article will showcase the writer’s first-hand experience and expertise.  It will also be authoritative and generate trust.

    If your content meets E-E-A-T standards, it will meet Google’s standards for quality content. If not, then it will fall short of Google’s requirements. E-E-A-T can spell the difference between a successful SEO strategy and a failed one. 

    The Core Elements of E-E-A-T: Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness

    Let’s look deeper into each of those core elements.


    First-hand experience is a plus when creating many types of content. 

    Are you writing about real estate in a particular area? If so, your content will perform better if you have experience buying/selling real estate in the area in question.

    Are you writing about a field of expertise, i.e., purchasing a phone or choosing a college? Be sure to share your first-hand experience. It will help your content rank higher than articles based solely on research.


    What is your expertise in a field? Do you have a degree or life experience? If so, talk about it in the article or the author’s bio.

    Even more importantly, make sure your content reflects your level of expertise. Your information should be as detailed as possible. Organize it using topic clusters and pillar pages.


    Authoritativeness means setting your site up as an industry leader.

    Providing detailed content based on expertise is a good start. Effective internal linking shows that you can provide comprehensive information on the topic at hand.

    At the same time, partnering with industry experts can help you stand out from the crowd. Writing guest posts for a high-ranking blog shows that you’re a trustworthy industry leader. Interviewing industry experts provides your site with content from established experts in your field.


    To be trustworthy, your content must be 100% accurate. Statistics should be up-to-date. Sources should be relevant and authoritative.

    Is something debatable, and you don’t have all the answers? Say so. Don’t pretend to know something you don’t.

    Do you have old content that is no longer relevant or accurate? If so, update it or delete it. Don’t count on readers noticing the date on which the post was originally published.

    Another aspect of building trustworthiness is making it easy for people to connect with you. Provide your address and phone number if you have a physical company. Create a contact page and provide an email address/phone number if you run a virtual business. 

    Measuring the Impact: How E-E-A-T Affects Your SEO Performance

    E-E-A-T affects your SEO performance in almost every way imaginable. 

    Consumers will notice if your content is relevant, helpful, and accurate. They will spend time on your page, lowering your bounce rate. They will share your content on social media, increasing its visibility.

    Experts will link to content meeting E-E-A-T guidelines. This will boost your site’s authority levels and, thus, its Google rank. Backlinks are currently one of Google’s most important ranking factors.

    Success Stories: Brands That Nailed E-E-A-T SEO

    Reddit’s monthly sessions went from 69 million per month to a whopping 200 million per month. Why?

    Reddit’s users are real people who speak with first-hand experience. People find the answers they’re looking for on the conversation forums. Google has taken notice, and Reddit is reaping the benefits.

    Medic Update saw a 300% increase in year-on-year revenue when it took three simple E-A-T-related steps.

    The company eliminated poor content and created accurate, trustworthy content. It linked its content to authoritative sources, asked medical experts to review content, and then posted a “Content Medically Reviewed By” box on all its pages.

    Future-Proofing Your SEO: Staying Ahead with E-E-A-T

    Google has undergone multiple updates over the years. These have upended the way millions of companies use SEO to boost rankings.

    Even so, Google’s end goal has always been the same. Its main aim is to provide users with accurate, helpful content.

    Adhering to E-E-A-T guidelines isn’t just about boosting your site’s standing on Google in 2024. It’s about earning a permanent high placement on Google’s search engine.

    Sites that adhere to E-E-A-T guidelines will attract consumers, earn likes, shares, and backlinks, generate sales, turn profits, and build brand loyalty.

    The time and effort you put into applying E-E-A-T guidelines to your site will be well worth it. 

    Furthermore, you don’t have to do it all alone. WriterAccess offers access to vetted, experienced writers in multiple fields of expertise. 

    Our AI-powered platform makes it easy to find experts in any field. To start, open an account and provide information about the types of writers you need. Select one or more writers, provide detailed instructions, and trust our experts to get you across the finish line.

    Are you ready to use Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines to build a wildly successful business? If so, check out our 14-day free trial period to see what WriterAccess can do for you. 

    The post E-E-A-T SEO: The Secret Sauce to Skyrocketing Your Rankings appeared first on Rock Content.

    E-E-A-T Content Unwrapped: The Recipe for SEO Greatness Thu, 07 Mar 2024 13:38:03 +0000 E-E-A-T isn’t just one of Google’s many updates. It’s the criteria by which Google will analyze content long-term. “In determining page quality, Raters must consider EEAT.” These are Google’s exact words. What does this mean for your content? Simply put, anything you write should adhere to E-E-A-T standards. What Is E-E-A-T Content, And Why Does It Matter […]

    The post E-E-A-T Content Unwrapped: The Recipe for SEO Greatness appeared first on Rock Content.

    E-E-A-T isn’t just one of Google’s many updates. It’s the criteria by which Google will analyze content long-term.

    “In determining page quality, Raters must consider EEAT.” These are Google’s exact words.

    What does this mean for your content? Simply put, anything you write should adhere to E-E-A-T standards.

    What Is E-E-A-T Content, And Why Does It Matter For SEO?

    E-E-A-T stands for experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. These four words tell you everything Google is looking for when rating content.

    Content that meets E-E-A-T standards will meet your audience’s needs. People will link to it, share it, and even come back to it. Industry experts will link to it, giving your site valuable backlinks.

    Even more importantly, because E-E-A-T content is quality content, it will perform well in the long term. It won’t drop off a cliff with Google’s next algorithm update. Google will always reward unique, quality content that offers value to readers.

    Crafting E-E-A-T Content: Tips For Showing Your Experience And Expertise

    Picture yourself reading a blog post about a particular product. Would you like a technical explanation or a story of someone’s first-hand experience building/using the item in question?

    There are several ways to show Google you’re an experienced expert. You can tell a story or use your author’s bio section. You could also quote people with relevant experience.

    Experience shows expertise. However, the two aren’t the same.

    Do you have a degree in the field you’re writing about? Has your company won industry-related awards? Tell your audience about it to show you’re an expert in your field.

    For some fields, you may even want to have an expert review your content before publication. Medical sites such as WebMD and Medical News Today take this approach. It not only showcases expertise but also builds trust.

    Building Authority: Strategies to Enhance Your Content’s Credibility

    Authoritative content doesn’t have to be full of jargon that only experts can understand. Casual or even humorous content can be authoritative if it’s properly written.

    To start, research your topic thoroughly. You want to provide value to your audience and show that you know what you’re talking about.

    Organize your content, so users can find what they need easily. Topic clusters are ideal for this purpose.

    Back up any claims you make, using only authoritative sources. Differentiate between facts and your opinions, and be honest if you’re not sure about something. Dishonesty and embellishing facts will not only tank your search engine rank but also your reputation.

    Proofread your content to ensure it’s free of spelling and grammatical errors. Articles with lots of mistakes tend to have a high bounce rate. They also fail to get the links you need to improve your standing on Google.

    Fostering Trust: Creating Content That Resonates with Your Audience

    It’s important to have experience and expertise while also showing you’re an authority in your field.

    However, it’s not enough if your readers feel they can’t trust you.

    How do you engender trust? One of the best ways is to help people get to know you, and telling a story is a good start.

    Do you run a mom-and-pop business? Talk about how it started and why you enjoy doing what you do.

    Do you sell products online? Share interesting facts about how they were invented and how they were made.

    Make sure people can contact you easily. Share your email address or build a contact page. If you have a physical location, share your address and phone number.

    Create a terms and conditions page for your site. Tell people how you will (and won’t) use their personal information.

    You can also use your existing customer base to build trust. Include positive product reviews on your site. Nearly three-quarters of customers say reviews increase trust in a brand.

    E-E-A-T in Action: Real-World Examples of Content That Delivers

    What does E-E-A-T in action look like? Consider the following examples.

    Digital Émigré did extensive research and analysis to find a unique topic that offered excellent value to its clients. The company then went to work creating a comprehensive post on the subject. The post got over 17,000 clicks and generated over $65,000 in revenue.

    Gadget Flow decided to put a premium on creating relevant, high-quality content. It made a site-wide content model and created structured data. Organic traffic grew by nearly 200% for the site’s news articles.

    Tharawat Magazine cleaned up all its content. It structured over 1,000 articles to improve their E-E-A-T levels. The result was a whopping 321% increase in traffic.

    Staying Ahead: Future Trends In E-E-A-T Content And SEO

    New tools and technologies will likely affect future Google algorithm updates. However, nothing will affect Google’s primary mission of delivering the best search engine results to consumers.

    If your content meets user needs, it will get links and shares. It will have a low bounce rate. Google will see it meets E-E-A-T standards and rank it well.

    If your content does not meet E-E-A-T standards, performance will range from mediocre to poor. It may bring some results. However, it won’t perform well in the long term.

    This is the reason why E-E-A-T content is so important. It’s not just about meeting current Google standards. It’s about creating content that will perform well now and in the future.

    Creating winning content sounds daunting because it is. Thankfully, you don’t have to do it all on your own.

    WriterAccess offers access to thousands of vetted, experienced writers. We make it easy for you to find the right person or people for any job.

    Is our platform right for you? Check out our 14-day free trial period to see what we have to offer. We look forward to meeting or even exceeding your expectations.


    The post E-E-A-T Content Unwrapped: The Recipe for SEO Greatness appeared first on Rock Content.

    Social SEO Revolution: Dominate Social Media and Rule Google Searches Thu, 15 Feb 2024 19:35:25 +0000 Social media is no longer just a fun way to reach customers and share content. Instead, a revolution of sorts is occurring. Marketers will need to be more strategic in their efforts, meeting the unique challenges head-on.

    The post Social SEO Revolution: Dominate Social Media and Rule Google Searches appeared first on Rock Content.

    What is this so-called revolution?

    To start, social media is metamorphosing into something different than originally intended. It is now encroaching on the role of search engines.

    This shift to information discovery through social media has been occurring gradually but is now speeding up. And, as such, social SEO is becoming increasingly important to your brand.

    While SEO and social media marketing have been treated as separate strategies, the rise in reliance on social media as a source of information means that you need to reexamine how the two can complement each other.

    In other words, as the border between social media and search engines blurs, it’s time to change how you look at them and the ways viewers discover your content.

    Cracking the Code: How Social SEO Impacts Your Google Rankings

    Social SEO focuses in on how you manage your social media accounts, and it requires more planning on your part.

    But, how will social SEO affect your Google rankings?

    First, it is important to note that your social media performance is not a direct ranking factor on Google. Instead, it can become an indirect tool that aids other factors that the search engine does consider.

    To crack the code and use social SEO to benefit your Google rankings, it helps to know what the search engine considers to be ranking factors and understand how social SEO helps.

    For example, it all starts with traffic to your website.

    Google notices when traffic increases and uses it as a signal that your site is high quality, relevant, credible, and even authoritative. As a result, it may boost your rankings in search engine listings.

    Social SEO can help increase this traffic flow and get you noticed faster.

    In order for this to occur, however, you’ll need to ensure that users find you on social media platforms.

    Users who find you will also share and link to your content, further increasing exposure.

    From there, ongoing interactions will help build community as you gain likes, shares, and followers on your social media accounts and lead users to your site.

    As such, search engines begin to recognize your website’s increasing traffic and index it at a higher position in the results. People searching on the search engine itself become more likely to see your brand in the organic SERP results.

    Commanding Attention: Crafting SEO-Optimized Content for Social Platforms

    Today, consumers are actively searching social platforms for information. This content includes solutions, recommendations, answers to questions, reviews, and more. You need to meet them where they are with SEO-optimized content for various social platforms.

    Essentially, social SEO involves the addition of text-based features to all content, including videos and images. These features will help consumers find your content more quickly when they browse the different social media platforms for information.

    Consequently, crafting SEO-optimized content for social platforms needs to become a priority in your marketing strategy.

    As with research for blog posts, white papers, and other marketing content, you’ll need to identify what it is that your target audience wants and needs. From there, work with trusted freelancers or professional writers within your organization to create the highest-quality content possible. You may even want to try the latest AI-generated content tools, which are an essential trend in 2024.

    To make sure your audience can find the content when searching on social media platforms, apply social SEO tactics, such as the following:

    • Identify and use relevant keywords (and hashtags) in your titles, descriptions, and captions.
    • Include alt text for all visual content to help the platform understand what it is and when to use it as a response to a relevant search.
    • Utilize subtitles in all video content.
    • Use keywords and phrases in the names of your video files.
    • Only use high-quality video and photo assets (for visual search).
    • Ensure closed captions contain keywords and your location.

    Always keep in mind that while the content must provide valuable information to the reader, it also needs to serve as a social SEO tool.

    Navigating the Landscape: Social SEO Techniques for Every Marketer

    Navigating the social SEO landscape begins with using familiar techniques and applying them specifically to your social media platforms.

    Here are some techniques that every marketer can use:

    • Optimize your content using captions, alt text, subtitles, and closed captions.
    • Incorporate the most relevant keywords into your social media posts and shared content.
    • Add social sharing buttons to your blogs and websites.
    • Include links to your website in your social profiles.
    • Share links throughout presentation and video content.
    • Optimize each social media platform profile. The amount of information you can include will vary depending on the platform, so make the best use of the real estate you have. For example, you can put more details on your Facebook page than your Instagram profile.

    Specific platform examples of SEO social media practices include:


    • Incorporate relevant keywords in the About section and the page’s tagline.
    • Create long-form content with relevant keywords and phrases that are well-placed and sound natural.


    • Use your main keywords in the URL, page title, About section, and description.
    • For local search purposes, add your street address to the profile. Create separate location pages if this is relevant to your business.
    • Use search keywords in each post and in photo captions.


    • Include keywords in your handle, name, and bio.
    • Use relevant keywords and hashtags in captions.
    • Add alt text to the visual content you share.
    • Tag your location to appear on Instagram Maps.


    • Pay close attention to your video file names; include a primary keyword or phrase.
    • Make your title match a search query (e.g., “How to make baklava”)
    • For the video description, include a primary keyword or phrase within the first two lines. They are visible without the need to click.
    • Say keywords in your video, and turn on captions.


    • Add the most relevant keywords to your profile.
    • In video clips, say the main keyword aloud and include an in-text overlay. The keyword will also appear in the closed captions that TikTok automatically generates.

    Mastering the Game: Social SEO Tactics for Digital Dominance

    Tactics to increase your digital dominance, like those listed below, are not new in terms of SEO strategies. However, these techniques are more focused on how social media can boost your visibility and potentially your Google rankings.

    • Focus on keywords and phrases, and use them in the places with the most value (titles, subtitles, alt text, captions). Add them to your social media profiles as well.
    • Create and publish relevant, high-quality content to share on social media, and be sure to optimize it in all the right ways.
    • Devise a link-building strategy: Start by putting links to your webpages on your social profiles. Next, create material that viewers will want to share and others will want to link to in their own content. Place links to high-quality sites in your content as well. Google will use this information to help evaluate the authoritativeness of your website. When you post links to your own site, you drive traffic which can positively affect your Google rankings.
    • Consider the user experience: Balancing user experience and SEO strategies can be a challenge today. When optimizing your social media, always keep user preferences in mind. Improve readability, avoid keyword stuffing, and craft content that will appeal to your viewers.

    Changes continue to rock the organic search world, and it’s always a worthwhile endeavor to do whatever you can to capture the attention of more people. While social SEO is essential today, tomorrow may bring additional changes, so you’ll need to stay alert.

    Take AI, for example. Rumors are spreading that claim SEO is becoming an antiquated tactic and AI search capabilities are rising in importance.

    While you may have concerns over how SEO will fare in the new age of generative AI search capabilities, this is no reason to give up on it now. AI search is still a futuristic possibility that will require you to rethink your marketing approach, and SEO for organic traffic is currently powerful enough to get results now.

    Meet the Social SEO Revolution Head-on, Starting with the Right Content

    High-quality content still provides an effective way to find, attract, and retain customers. Optimize that material for social media, and you gain a new way to boost traffic to your website and potentially rise higher in Google search rankings. WriterAccess is here to help you scale your content production and meet your marketing goals sooner. Try a free 14-day WriterAccess trial to see for yourself what can happen.

    The post Social SEO Revolution: Dominate Social Media and Rule Google Searches appeared first on Rock Content.

    SEO’s Got Talent: Exposing the Wonders of Google Search Generative Experience Thu, 08 Feb 2024 15:58:13 +0000 Google has spent years enhancing the search experience. Recently, they brought AI into that process with the Google Search Generative Experience, or SGE. This represents a new approach to organizing search results for users. It also promises to provide higher-quality information within those results. SGE is the newest way generative AI is changing how businesses […]

    The post SEO’s Got Talent: Exposing the Wonders of Google Search Generative Experience appeared first on Rock Content.

    Google has spent years enhancing the search experience. Recently, they brought AI into that process with the Google Search Generative Experience, or SGE. This represents a new approach to organizing search results for users. It also promises to provide higher-quality information within those results.

    SGE is the newest way generative AI is changing how businesses do business. This is a dramatic shift, though, one that doesn’t necessarily make things easier for business or marketing professionals. For some, it could even influence their revenue stream if they monetize content.

    Knowledge makes change a little less impactful. Learning more about SGE can help you get ahead of the process and put it to use for your business needs.

    The Backstage of SEO: Behind the Scenes of Google Search Generative Experience

    First, let’s answer a fundamental question: “What is Google’s Search Generative Experience?” SGE is an AI-driven search process that supercharges the old way of doing things.

    Over the last decade, advancements in natural language processing (NLP) have improved search results. Transformer-based large language models (LLMs) enhance how the system extrapolates information in response to search queries.

    The process also includes retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). RAG is a paradigm SGE uses to collect information. You can break RAG down into three components:

    • Input encoder: Inputs the prompt into vector embeddings, a numerical representation of the text
    • Neural retriever: Retrieves the most relevant information
    • Output generator: Creates the final output or results page

    This is a highly simplified version of a complex process. What AI delivers is a more robust version of search results called snapshots.

    Snapshots include a summary, articles, and products related to the query first, and then you see more traditional results afterward. In addition, AI will offer you follow-up questions designed for a deeper search.

    With this evolution, search engines like Google will generate more human-like responses with better context and personalization. That is big news.

    Via Google

    Casting Spells: How Search Generative Experience Transforms SEO Strategies

    Since Google Search Engine Experience uses AI to transform the search landscape, brands must rethink their SEO strategies to take advantage of these changes. SEO is about improving the user experience. That hasn’t changed with the introduction of SGE.

    Businesses should still make SEO a priority as they create content. They may need to take content creation to the next level, though.

    Providing concise answers to one or two questions is not complicated with simple searches. With these more complex search options, you’ll want to think beyond the basics. You should explore:

    • Build multidimensional content: Create authority and answer multiple questions.
    • Add depth to your content: Superficial isn’t going to cut it anymore.
    • Plan to demonstrate expertise: All content should demonstrate expertise and establish authority. Those are components that help build trust.
    • Expand your thinking: Focus less on keywords and more on topics or answering questions.
    • Go from long-tail to hyper-long tail: Expand keyword phrases even more.
    • Stay ahead of the searcher: Don’t just answer the question; answer the next five regarding a topic.

    Each blog should play a long game. Cover a topic fully to ensure you rank high in SGE.

    Result for a generative AI search for e-bikes
    Via Google

    Search Alchemy: Turning Keywords into SEO Gold with Generative Experience

    Keywords are changing with SGE, so you must also change how you create them.

    Leverage long-tail keywords

    This isn’t new, but it has changed thanks to SGE. Your long-tail keywords now require more detail. For instance, you might currently use “walking shoes.” To optimize for SGE, expand on that idea. Perhaps your long-tail keywords might be “walking shoes for weight loss” or “comfortable walking shoes for everyday use.”

    Think like the searcher

    SGE aims to provide more in-depth research for search queries, which will translate into more detailed keyword research. You have to spend more time thinking like the searcher.

    You can break that down into four constructs based on the intent of the search, including:

    • Informational: What does the searcher hope to learn, i.e., “What is cold brew coffee?”
    • Navigational: Is the searcher looking for a specific brand? I.e., “Where can I get Starbucks coffee?”
    • Commercial: The searcher wants to buy now, i.e., “Where is the best coffee shop near me?”
    • Transactional: The searcher wants to buy something online, i.e., “Where can I order specialty coffee online?”

    You should build your keywords around the user’s intent. For example, a coffee shop might use super long-tail keywords such as:

    • “What is cold brew coffee?” (Informational)
    • “Get Starbucks brand coffee” (Navigational)
    • “Get the best coffee in the French Quarter” (Commercial)
    • “Buy specialty coffee online with free delivery” (Transactional)

    Keyword research has always been about determining the most common search phrases and content trends. With SGE, expand on that concept to go deeper.

    A Star-Studded Lineup: The Players in the Search Generative Experience Arena

    There are many players in the world of search engines. The most obvious one is Google. The fact is that when Google makes a significant change like this, heads start to turn.

    Other search engines, including Bing, have used AI for a while. Other search engines are making a name for themselves thanks to AI, such as:

    • Andi AI Search: This is perhaps one of the better-functioning AI-based search engines right now. The others still tend to have gremlins. Andi has worked out most of the kinks to provide fact-based search results.
    • Metaphor AI Search: This one focuses more on social media and multichannel sources, such as blogs, podcasts, and news sites.
    • Brave AI Search Summarizer: Brave creates a summary of web pages for the user and links to sources.

    Google and Bing will still be the search engines most consumers use, but AI is opening the door to more specialty options for in-depth research.

    Writer Access can help you scale your content production and improve search rankings even in this new era. You can get a 14-day Writer access trial to get the feel of it.

    The post SEO’s Got Talent: Exposing the Wonders of Google Search Generative Experience appeared first on Rock Content.

    Branded Traffic Secrets: The Gateway to SEO Domination Wed, 07 Feb 2024 18:20:21 +0000 Branded traffic isn’t just one more type of traffic to keep track of. It offers fast results and is key to the long-term success of your business. Statistics from August 2018 to August 2019 found that 42% of online searches worldwide are branded. The implications of this are huge. It means over 40% of consumers […]

    The post Branded Traffic Secrets: The Gateway to SEO Domination appeared first on Rock Content.

    Branded traffic isn’t just one more type of traffic to keep track of. It offers fast results and is key to the long-term success of your business.

    Statistics from August 2018 to August 2019 found that 42% of online searches worldwide are branded.

    The implications of this are huge. It means over 40% of consumers already have their minds made up when shopping online. Four out of ten shoppers want something they’re familiar with.

    Branded traffic delivers results. It plays a vital role in any SEO strategy. It’s also key to engendering brand loyalty that drives long-term sales, profits, and organic SEO.

    Decoding Branded vs. Non-Branded Traffic

    Branded traffic is traffic directly related to your brand. It’s not just a search for a general product, i.e., “fast food.” It’s a search for a specific product, such as Whopper, Happy Meal, or Kentucky Fried Wings.

    If you’ve just opened a new business, the odds are that most or all your traffic isn’t branded. That’s OK, as non-branded organic traffic can be effective too. However, as you gain a following, the amount of branded traffic should steadily grow.

    Some of your branded searches will originate with former customers. Others will come from people who’ve heard of your brand via social media. Some queries will come from a word-of-mouth recommendation.

    Branded Keywords Unveiled: What Sets Them Apart?

    Branded keywords generate more sales than non-branded ones. The fact is that people who specifically search for your goods already know what they want. They’re more likely to convert than those just checking you out for the first or second time.

    What’s more, tracking branded queries helps you know your audience’s needs. If you see a particular keyword is very popular, you’ll know what your audience wants or expects from you. You can then focus on that product or start offering it.

    Why Branded Traffic is a Game-Changer for SEO

    Google uses various factors to rank a website. One of these is domain authority. If someone searches for your company name, your website home page will top search engine results. If someone searches for a branded keyword, your relevant site pages will be on the first page of the results.

    When people click on these results, Google sees your site as valuable. The search engine sees you have authority, answer people’s questions, and give results. This boosts your rank online, which increases traffic to your site.

    Moreover, branded keywords generate results even if they aren’t the first listing displayed on Google. A 2018 study found that over 80% of consumers prefer familiar brands. Your listing may be fifth or sixth, but it can still get more clicks than a higher listing for an unfamiliar brand name.

    Strategies to Boost Branded Traffic

    There are several ways to boost branded traffic to your website. You’ll want to use all the methods outlined below for optimum results.

    Choose the right branded keywords

    Which products/services do you want to be known for? What target audiences are you trying to reach? What is the competition like in your niche? These are all questions to ask yourself when selecting branded keywords. You’ll likely want to start by focusing on just a few, so make sure they’re the most effective.

    At the same time, remember that choosing branded keywords isn’t a one-time job. Track your results and re-evaluate your campaign periodically. You may need to adjust your strategy due to new trends, seasonal traffic, etc.

    Optimize your website for branded search

    Use branded alt tags and file names for all your images. Instead of “large coffee cup,” for example, use “MyBrand large coffee cup.”

    Create specific landing pages for certain brand names and products. This makes it easy for people to find exactly what they’re looking for.

    Use social media to promote specific branded products. Hashtag these and link them to specific pages on your site.

    KIT Brand Guidelines Bundle

    Create a branded content marketing strategy

    Branded content marketing isn’t just about including branded keywords in your text. In fact, it isn’t really about promoting yourself at all. Rather, branded content marketing is about building connections with people. It’s about helping people get to know and trust you. You want to generate an emotional response from people visiting your site.

    To start, you’ll need to choose a brand voice. Do you want to be funny, comforting, formal, authoritative, or casual?

    Next, you need to help people get to know you. Tell a story or encourage others to tell stories about your brand. Focus on delivering valuable content rather than making sales.

    Real-Life Success Stories: Branded Traffic in Action

    Hawaiian Airlines created a search campaign that combined its company name with non-branded keywords such as “flight to Hawaii.” It then used video and search marketing to promote the campaign. Flight bookings increased by 185, and the cost per acquisition decreased by nearly 70%.

    Dove Real Beauty created a successful branded campaign by associating its brand name with improved self-esteem. The campaign focused on helping women feel comfortable with themselves rather than generating sales. It went viral, and sales went from $2 billion to $4 billion in just three years.

    Spotify Wrapped is another great example of branded traffic in action. It went viral because it associated Spotify with great memories and users’ favorite brands. While the brand is part of the name, it’s all about storytelling rather than sales promotion.

    Branded Traffic Campaign with WriterAccess

    Creating a branded traffic campaign is well worth the effort. What’s more, you don’t have to go it alone. Once you have your keywords and strategy in place, WriterAccess can do the heavy lifting for you.

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    The post Branded Traffic Secrets: The Gateway to SEO Domination appeared first on Rock Content.

    Google’s SEO Guide for Beginners Gets a Refresh! Wed, 07 Feb 2024 16:04:40 +0000 Google SEO beginner's guide got an update in early February, showcasing ways to craft an inspiring web page with an impeccable user experience. Here's the lowdown!

    The post Google’s SEO Guide for Beginners Gets a Refresh! appeared first on Rock Content.


    Let the SEO games of 2024 begin! On February 2, 2024, Google revamped its SEO beginner’s guide. There, you can explore some fresh, up-to-date insights aligning with the latest updates to the world’s biggest search engine’s core algorithm.

    For SEO newbies, it’s a fantastic read, especially if you aim to become a pro in the field. I always emphasize the importance of considering Google as your primary source in SEO.

    One of Google’s key analysts, Gary Illyes, shared his thoughts on LinkedIn: “If you’re an SEO pro, reading about the basics might bore you, but there are tons of people out there still just thinking about dipping their toes into the scary waters of SEO. This guide is for them, and now it’s compact enough that you don’t need a bottle of Bunnahabhain (a type of whisky) by your side to read it.”

    What Changed in Google’s SEO Beginner’s Guide?

    The updated SEO beginner’s guide streamlined information that used to be confusing and overwhelming for beginners. Gary’s words above capture the essence, as the previous text was intricate, with excessive information explaining much of the same. Reading this SEO guide is now simpler!

    While the original page had around 8,639 words, the updated document has approximately 4,058 words. In other words, the new version of Google’s SEO guide is 53% more concise than the original.

    This is great! It aligns perfectly with what Google suggests today in terms of content: it should be useful and deliver a good experience. And that’s precisely what this revised guide offers. You’ll find highlights, images, a logical information hierarchy, and easier readability.

    This will serve as inspiration for those still unsure about creating quality content for users.

    What Was Removed from the Guide?

    • Glossary Section: Google explained terms individually in the context of the page.
    • Structured Data Section: Removed because Google deemed it “a more advanced topic beginners don’t need to think about.” Google suggested using plugins for those using a content management system (CMS).
    • Mobile Compatibility Section: Google stated that “most new sites and platforms are already mobile-friendly,” so it wasn’t necessary in the beginner’s SEO guide.
    • Site Performance Analysis Section: Google removed this to keep the focus on SEO beginners, stating that performance analysis is a “next step” and “a more advanced topic.”

    What Was Added?

    • Why Do This? Google incorporated sections aimed at answering questions like “Why should I do this?” and “Why isn’t this thing here?”
    • What Is It? Google included an explanation of duplicate content in the duplicate content section and how to fix it, along with a new brief section dedicated to videos.
    • SEO Theories and Ideas: A new section covering common SEO theories and concepts, highlighting areas where Google suggests people shouldn’t focus too much effort initially. Additionally, a new section was added to discuss the time it takes to observe the impact of actions taken in strategies.

    Google added that it doesn’t expect to modify this initial guide but stated, “We will continue to refine our documentation to make it clearer and more accessible in the coming months.”

    3 Insights from Google’s New Documentation

    With changes in Google’s SEO beginner’s guide, we gained new insights with fresh information. Let’s dive in!

    1. Objective and Concise Content Can Be Better Than Very Long and Winding Content

    Reading articles on mobile devices has revolutionized how content is consumed, adapting it to user needs. Previously, seeking information on the internet required getting up and heading to a nearby desktop or laptop. Today, all information is available with just a few taps, and it doesn’t always require extensive content.

    Despite the convenience of accessing content anytime and anywhere, the challenge of endlessly scrolling through a long article is noticeable.

    The goal now is to find a balance: offering a web page that is precise and comprehensive on the subject without being overly long, providing a fluid and accessible reading experience, especially on mobile devices.

    2. Internal Links and User Experience

    Taking a practical approach to web content, focused on being helpful to readers, is crucial, and we already know that, right? Recently, during a Google test, it was revealed that user interactions strongly influence Google’s ranking algorithm, known as Navboost.

    A patent associated with Navboost describes how user interactions can generate a document-level score, which can contribute to improving a site’s ranking. This highlights the importance of creating content that encourages positive interaction signals from users, which can, in turn, benefit the site’s ranking in search results.

    This is something I’m proud to say Rock does! Rich internal links on relevant topics are a valuable strategy for connecting web pages in a way that’s useful for readers. This is because the context of the words around the link is directly related to the web page’s topic.

    This approach makes more sense to users, as the link is inserted within a relevant context, making its purpose clearer compared to a link that is inserted without prior context.

    3. Information Structure

    A notable change in Google’s SEO beginner’s guide, as mentioned above, is how much easier the content is to read.

    The order of the topics provides a logical progression from one topic to the next, like doors opening to the next room, one after another, linearly, making it easier to consume the entire document. In the previous version of the document, 31 H4 heading tags and 12 H5 heading tags were used.

    The new structure of the guide is more topic-centered. It provides essential information concisely while offering readers the opportunity to access a contextually relevant link for more details on another web page. Therefore, the leaner format facilitates a better understanding of the topic by readers.

    This teaches us, as in the previous point, that better-structured content with more objective information makes all the difference in the experience!

    Finally, I hope you enjoyed these insights and apply them to your SEO professional life! Sometimes a simple document update can bring us valuable information!

    If your company needs quality content production, check out WriterAccess, with a free 14-day trial to see how our freelancers can make a difference in your Content and SEO strategy!

    The post Google’s SEO Guide for Beginners Gets a Refresh! appeared first on Rock Content.
