Email marketing for beginners: everything you need to know

Email marketing for beginners: it's worth knowing the true concept, why this strategy is important and how to plan a campaign. To do this, you need to discover the main tools you should use — there are free and paid platforms to help with the process.

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Do you want to learn everything about email marketing for beginners?

You are on the right page, as this digital marketing strategy, widely used in e-commerce, has been widely used by companies in all segments — and has shown good results.

This is because it initiates and maintains the relationship with your persona so that there is a conversion in sales or even closer communication between customer and company.

Continue reading to understand everything about email marketing and put this strategy into practice in your business.

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    What is email marketing?

    Email marketing is a strategy for sending emails with promotional, transactional, informational, welcome, or special purposes that companies send to their customers or leads.

    Let’s analyze each of these types:


    Communicates an offer, promotion, or launch of a product or service.


    It informs the status of a transaction carried out by the customer, for example: purchase confirmation, destination of the merchandise, password change, registration, etc.


    Sends information about news and relevant updates about the company, new articles that have appeared on the blog, news, and invitations. In this case, it is known as a newsletter.


    The user receives a welcome email for contacting the company and registering. It is the beginning of the relationship.


    Sent on special dates to congratulate the lead or client, inform a business achievement, etc.

    Fundamentals of Email marketing

    This strategy does not just consist of sending emails without a business objective behind them.

    Its process is complex and requires study and testing for the best results.

    One of the principles is that you will act for users who have left their email in a form, whether on a landing page or a website.

    See other fundamentals below:

    Keep leads engaged

    Email marketing must be sent periodically.

    Consider that from the moment the user leaves their contact, they are interested in receiving information about the company, products or services, promotions, etc.

    Therefore, this relationship needs to be nurtured, so that your business offers the solutions it needs so that there are more purchases.

    Promote blog content
    In digital marketing, blog content can also be used, with articles, videos, infographics, audio, e-books, etc.

    So, every day, for example, you can send a newsletter to your email list talking about the news that has appeared on the page.

    This way, you will get more visits, improving visibility for the search engine algorithm.

    Nurture and educate

    Another interesting strategy is inbound marketing to nurture leads.

    It is a process in which the public is educated to receive emails about the business and its solutions, creating a strong relationship.

    Therefore, messages are personalized to make users feel unique.

    Sell more

    All email marketing work aims to increase sales.

    Therefore, in the forms, try to collect important information for your business. This will help send the email he needs at the right time, that is, at the time he is open and interested in receiving it.

    Why use this strategy for sales?

    Due to the advancement of social networks, many people believe that emails have become obsolete, but this is not true.

    On the contrary, according to estimates from the Radicati study, by the end of 2024, the number of email users should exceed 4.4 billion. The amount sent could exceed 361 billion.

    The numbers show that the email marketing strategy is essential for businesses.


    Everyone has email — there are more than 4 billion active accounts, according to

    In the inbox, people store parts of their routine, such as page registrations, passwords, purchasing information, email addresses, and others.

    It is a system that is part of modern life.


    When you post something on social media, you can’t know if all your followers received it.

    With email marketing, it’s the opposite, as you can have predictability in your actions.

    For example, if you send 200 messages to your customers or leads, you’ll know they reached their destination. You can even see the number of emails that have been opened.


    In email marketing, you can include texts with relevant information, or even welcome texts, images, video links or gifs.

    The strategy enables the format you want, as long as everything follows the best practices of this action.

    Financial feedback

    Even the email marketing strategy for beginners brings a good financial return.

    State of Marketing Report 2024

    Know that this tends to be the channel with the highest conversion and with low initial investment, therefore, it is possible to generate a high volume of revenue.

    How to plan an email marketing campaign? 7 tips for beginners!

    With this method, you will strengthen your relationship with current and future customers. Furthermore, you will convert your shots into sales and, consequently, obtain greater profits.

    See how to plan a campaign following our 7 guidelines.

    1. Build a mailing list

    Initially, a very important recommendation: never buy mailing.

    Following the regulation of the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), all email recipients must have given their consent to receive campaigns in their inbox.

    Therefore, invest in strategies to capture emails from those who visit your page, that is, organically.

    After that, do your nurturing to create a bond with your leads or customers. This will increase the chances of having more sales.

    To get the person to leave your email, offer them rich materials, such as e-books, infographics, spreadsheets, questionnaires, and others.

    Also, create forms, blog posts, newsletters, offers, discounts, and services in exchange for registration.

    2. Choose a suitable tool

    Look for a marketing automation tool to help segment and trigger messages.

    It will tell you the emails that bounced, the number of people who opened and viewed them, and the conversion volume.

    3. Define a communication strategy

    Segment by leads, products and services, objectives, and age, among others. This way, you will know how to communicate with them.

    For example, if you make an e-book about beauty care, and the lead converts to download it, it is unlikely that they will be interested in a topic that is unrelated to that subject.

    Therefore, create articles that are similar to the topic, determine the delivery frequency, and automate the process so that the customer acquires what your company is selling.

    4. Create a template

    Several email marketing tools offer ready-made templates so you can choose the one that best fits your business.

    Therefore, create objective texts, with mental triggers that attract attention, as well as images and links to attract people.

    5. Write with a focus on conversions

    As said, the texts need to be well-written and aimed at conversion. Therefore, offer benefits to your leads and customers.

    Start with eye-catching titles, in the imperative, to make people want to open. It should be 6 to 11 words long, and should touch on the reader’s pain.

    Also, make a good introduction and, in development, tell a story, end with the advantages and a Call to Action (CTA).

    6. Shoot

    Once everything is ready, review and test your email first. After that, send it to your email marketing list.

    Analyze the frequency and times so as not to overcrowd the person’s inbox.

    7. Analyze your results

    Wait a few days and evaluate the strategy to find out the number of clicks, conversions, and whether your objectives were met.

    See what worked and repeat the process. This way, you will know how to avoid mistakes and obtain better results.

    What are the essential tools for email marketing?

    To develop this strategy, there are several important tools, but you need to evaluate which one is best suited for your work.

    Many have similar features, such as landing pages, social media ads, and automation. They offer free and paid versions.

    Check out!

    1. MailChimp

    One of the most famous, MailChimp provides integration with WordPress, Shopify, and Magento.

    In the free part, you get a CRM, website builder, MailChimp domain, form, and landing page.

    However, the limit for emails sent is 2,000 per day or 10,000 per month. In the paid plan, you have unlimited licenses and a much larger volume can be sent, depending on the service chosen.

    2. Constant Contact

    On the Constant Contact platform, in addition to MailChimp’s features, you will find SMS sending.

    On the other hand, there is no free version, just a few days of trial, which soon expire if you do not purchase the service.

    3. RD Station

    RD Station enables tasks such as campaign creation, lead nurturing, and email marketing.

    Also, landing page, ad management on social networks, contact segmentation, ready-made models for segments, and WhatsApp buttons so that sales happen.

    However, it is not free either, you need to purchase one of the plans offered.

    4. GetResponse

    GetResponse is a simple tool that allows you to create email campaigns and marketing automation.

    Here, you can create a website, conversion funnels, ads, and pop-up forms. It has a free and premium version.

    Did you see that email marketing for beginners is not as difficult as you thought?

    Now that you know the main steps, start implementing the strategy in your business to increase your sales and profits.

    Take advantage of the opportunity, keep learning, and see our guide with the best email marketing engagement strategies.


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