Voula Vasilopoulos on New Experiences

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Culture is what makes an organization unique – the character, personality, sum of its values, and traditions.

In our Culture Corner series, we’ll be raising the curtain on the company culture here at Rock Content and sharing our journey. This is where you’ll also get insight into what to expect from the day-to-day Scribbler life and advice on how to be successful during the recruitment process.

This week, you’ll be hearing from Voula Vasilopoulos, Rock Content’s Head of Talent Acquisition, about new experiences and how to grow from them.

New Experiences

Every week, I have a touch-base with my leader. We always start our conversation with updates about our weekends, and he often asks about my little ones. In our most recent meeting, I shared a story about my eldest son, who’s five. This story really put into perspective how similar the experiences of a child is to ours as adults, and the learnings that we were able to take from these experiences.

A few months ago, we were on our way home from soccer, and I asked him about his day at school and how he’s enjoying his new team. He said that he actually had fun, he liked his new coaches and his new friends. I was surprised by his response, so I asked, “What do you mean you actually had fun? Why wouldn’t you have fun?” He responded with “It’s hard being a kid sometimes. I am always going to new classes, meeting new friends and I always have new teachers. Sometimes, when I go to these new classes, I don’t know what I’m doing. I went to swimming classes without knowing how to swim. I went to soccer and I didn’t know anyone. I have new coaches and I have to make new friends. It’s hard, but I have a lot of fun.”

I understand exactly what he is experiencing, as this happens throughout life for everyone. We are always meeting new people, trying new things, learning and growing.

Thinking differently

This moment in the car with my son made me realize two things:

  • He is the most socially confident, outspoken child that I have ever met, so the fact that he finds new classes and programs to be scary sincerely surprised me. If he can feel like this, then anyone can!
  • Extracurricular activities are considered work to kids? Who knew!

His words really resonate with what I practice in my profession every single day. I recruit, I get people to try new things and work with us. Here, they meet new people and make new friends, learn and try new things, and hopefully they feel they have made a good decision by joining our team.

My son and my candidates feel the same way and experience the same difficulties. I always encourage my son to be himself, but to also be mindful of the situation and others around him. I also teach him that it is great to take the lead, but to also be sure to listen.

Career moves

My advice to those that are interested in pursuing a new career opportunity: be yourself, and give yourself the credit you deserve– you’ve made it this far! Think of all of the ups and downs you’ve experienced since you were 5 years old. Think of how many new people you meet every day, and how many new things you have yet to try for the first time. Think of how exciting this is, and the opportunities these new experiences present.

It’s all relevant. We all do these things on a daily basis, so why worry about it? We are naturals, and having these emotions is normal. Trying new things, working with new people, and learning new things is scary.

To help reassure yourself, like any mom would, do your research and make sure it’s a reputable organization. Seek out referrals, check it out in-person and make sure it feels good for you. Also, ask a lot of questions. I personally wouldn’t expect my candidates to do anything less.

Whether you are a 5 year old trying out for a new soccer team, or an adult looking to join a new company and team, be mindful of your choices and everything will end up working out.

 With our growing global business, I am always excited to hear from those that are interested in being a part of our team. As an open networker, please reach out at [email protected] or connect with me today.


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